ag九游会官方 Julie remarked-九游娱乐(中国)官方网站-登录入口

发布日期:2024-05-06 08:37    点击次数:121

In commemoration of the 700th anniversary of the passing of the legendary Italian explorer Marco Polo and the 20th anniversary of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Italy, the Guangzhou Opera House has restaged the original opera "Marco Polo." On May 2nd, Julie, a student from the Solomon Islands studying at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, attended the dress rehearsal of the opera "Marco Polo" at the invitation of the "I See China" project by the Yangcheng Evening News for international communication.

Prior to watching the rehearsal, Julie, unfamiliar with Marco Polo and his story, found her curiosity piqued. This figure, renowned in both China and Europe, intrigued her. After viewing the entire rehearsal, Julie remarked, "I now have a better understanding of Marco Polo. To expand his family's business, he, together with his father and his uncle, stayed in China for 17 years, and upon returning to Italy, he narrated his experiences in China, deepening Europeans' understanding of China and igniting their longing for this Eastern country."

In the opera "Marco Polo," names of Chinese historical figures such as Xin Qiji and Wen Tianxiang frequently appeared. Julie used a search engine to learn more about them. One particular stanza from Wen Tianxiang deeply moved her: "No invasion is caused by envy, no fighting incited by greed. People love their homeland, also treasure others. Have hope for a better future and allow others to have it too." Julie commented that this opera conveys people's yearning for peace.

The opera "Marco Polo" will be performed at the Guangzhou Opera House at 7:30 pm on both tonight (May 3rd) and tomorrow night (May 4th).

Source:Yangcheng Evening News

I SEE CHINA|歌剧《马可·波罗》,传达和平向往

本年是意大利传奇旅人人马可·波罗骤一火700周年,又恰逢中国和意大利建筑全面策略伙伴运筹帷幄20周年。为牵挂这位为中欧调换作出了得孝顺的旅人人,广州大剧院(Guangzhou Opera House)复排了原创歌剧《马可·波罗》。5月2日,来自广外的留学生茱莉(Julie)受羊城晚报对传闻播样式“ISeeChina”之邀,到现场不雅看了歌剧《马可·波罗》的彩排。


在歌剧《马可·波罗》中,辛弃疾、文天祥等中国历史东谈主物的名字不停出现,茱莉现场用搜索软件查阅了起来。剧中,文天祥的一段咏叹调深深打动了茱莉,“惊羡不引发侵略,拳头不怂恿揣摸。爱我方的乡园,也惊羡他东谈主的山河。让我方有改日,也让他东谈主有翌日。(No invasion is caused by envy, no fighting incited by greed. People love their homeland, also treasure others. Have hope for a better future and allow others to have it too)”。茱莉说,这部歌剧传达了东谈主们对和平的向往。



文|记者 赵鹏 付怡

视频|温泽广 黎杰文  




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